Blood is thicker than water
(the ties of relationship are real; we care more for relatives than for strangers).
Assalamualaikum wbt... dan Salam sejahtera diucapkan kepada semua para pengunjung blog saya. Semoga anda mendapat manfaat dari isi kandungan blog saya ini. Syukran jazilan kathira....
Isnin, 29 Mac 2010
HIV hasn't gone away
About HIV and AIDS
AIDS has killed more than 25 million people worldwide since its recognition in 1981; making it one of the most destructive disease ever recorded in human history.
HIV is the virus that causes Aids. This virus can be transmitted to another person through unsafe sexual practices (without using condom) including unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex, through sharing needle or injecting equipment and from efected mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.
AIDS is the name given to a group of illness which occur in HIV positive people as a result of a weakened immune system.
There is no cure for AIDS, which makes prevention so important. Combination of antiviral drugs that boost he immune system have allowed many people with HIV to stay healthy and prolong their lives. Although researchers are working on developing one, there is no vaccine to prevent HIV and AIDS.
HIV/AIDS the silent killer.
Puan Nor Adilah binti Samsudin,
Penolong Setiausaha Kelab PROSTAR Negeri Johor.
AIDS is the name given to a group of illness which occur in HIV positive people as a result of a weakened immune system.
There is no cure for AIDS, which makes prevention so important. Combination of antiviral drugs that boost he immune system have allowed many people with HIV to stay healthy and prolong their lives. Although researchers are working on developing one, there is no vaccine to prevent HIV and AIDS.
HIV/AIDS the silent killer.
Puan Nor Adilah binti Samsudin,
Penolong Setiausaha Kelab PROSTAR Negeri Johor.
Khamis, 25 Mac 2010
Renung - renungkan...
Di antara kejayaan diri dalam kehidupan adalah penuh kekayaan, kehormatan dan panjang umur. Namun, ia juga sebahagian dari UJIAN Tuhan.
Selasa, 2 Mac 2010
Jangan bermusuh atau bersangka buruk sesama manusia selagi kita tidak mengenali latar belakangnya kerana itu adalah bermulanya segala dosa yang membawa kepada dengki dan khianat.
Sekadar renungan
Hidup ini adalah suatu perjalanan. Perjalanan pula terdapat berbagai ujian. Setiap ujian itu tersirat hikmahnya. Setiap hikmah menjadi anak kunci keinsanan.
Jangan diri merasa rugi bila berbelanja demi untuk mencari keredhaan Ilahi. Bermula wadah ilmu itu adalah dengan fikir yang penuh dengan penghayatan dan bersedekah.
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